Fall 2024 Courses Open to First-Year Students
ENGL BC1068 True Crime |
ENGL BC1901 Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels |
ENGL BC1982 American Fiction |
ENGL BC3107 Introduction to Fiction Writing | Requires a writing sample to apply. |
ENGL BC3110 Introduction to Poetry Writing | Requires a writing sample to apply. |
ENGL BC3113 Playwriting I | Requires a writing sample to apply. |
ENGL BC3115 Story Writing I | Requires a writing sample to apply. |
ENGL BC3117 Fiction Writing | Requires a writing sample to apply. |
ENGL BC3134 Creative Non-Fiction | Requires a writing sample to apply. |
ENGL BC3167 Milton |
ENGL BC3179 American Literature to 1800 |
ENGL BC3183 American Literature since 1945 |
ENGL BC3188 The Modern Novel |
ENGL BC3195 Modernism |
ENGL BC3204 World Literature Revisited |